Sunday 22 June 2008

Kohl Rabi

Someone left a comment on my blog about kohl rabi, wondering how to cook it.

If you do a Google search, you will come up with several recipes.

One says that it is something that often turns up in organic vegetable boxes and then lies lurking in a corner of the fridge until it is thrown out.

However, I reckon that all these new experiences are a challenge to be tried at least once.

The one I had was a purple one and instead of doing anything fancy, I served it up with a cauliflower cheese this evening. I cut off all the extraneous bits, then peeled it. The flesh is white.

I chopped it and put it in the pan with the potatoes, with the greens steaming on the top.

It tastes somewhat like turnip (a cross between white turnip and Swede). I would certainly welcome it again.

I think I have probably said before that the organic vegetable box has changed my eating habits - and very much for the better.

1 comment:

Sage said...

Thank you for that Elaine, I have often seen them but never known what to do with them before.